Design Thinking for Business Growth
WSQ Level 4 (3-Day)

Workshop Description
In Business context, delivering differentiated and satisfying customer experiences can lead to a boost in loyalty, market share and revenues. Inspired by the excellent work done by Prof. Jeanne Liedkta from the University of Virginia, this workshop will take the participants on a journey of design thinking, beginning with:
1. What Is?
Imagine Customer Experience Today
Identifying customer’s pain points
2. What If?
Generating ideas to delight customers experience
Translating customer delight into business opportunities
3.What Wows?
Selecting & evaluating best customer experience ideas
4.What Works?
and reaching the Desired Outcome
This design thinking journey begins from a dream or a vision or organizational objectives, moving through the innovation process, and ending with the desired outcome. Putting on the “designer’s hat”, the participants will imagine a “beautiful day in the life of a future customer” or imagining customer experience.
Borrowing the lessons learnt from Orlando Disneyworld, we had implemented Design Thinking in the Hewlett Packard Service Center, resulting in their winning the “Best in Customer Satisfaction” award from ComputerWorld Magazine for 12 years running
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
Understand what design thinking is
Understand the differences between design thinking and conventional problem solving
Learn the design thinking process
Learn the various tools, techniques and templates used in design thinking
Apply these tools taught into real-life environment and situations
Uncover customers’ UNMET needs, UNARTICULATED needs and UNDREAMT needs
Achieve customer delights and business growth.
Duration: 3 Days
Workshop Cost After SSG Subsidies
With effect form 1st Jan 2022